The Official Reports

The Officials: Sellers seize control in Dubai

Yesterday Vatman and Gobin were firmly in control but today the story was different. Almost all of the Dubai
Duo’s hard work yesterday was erased at the close of Asia on a premium basis. Relative to other benchmark
grades, Dubai got slammed, with October Brent futures premium over Dubai physical cargoes widening by
88c to $1.79. On a physical premium basis, compared to yesterday, the longs were hammered, with Dubai
partials premium minus Oct swaps falling by almost 50c to $1.17. It lost almost all it gained yesterday.

The Officials: Dubai Premiums Soar, Shorts Get Impaled

The sucker went down. We are talking about the flat price, as Brent flat price shed almost $2.50/bbl against yesterday. But in Dubai is a completely different story. The longs are winning on a premium basis.

The Officials: What goes up must come down, just ask Vinnie

27 August 2024: 16:30 BST Having surged upwards yesterday morning on the weekend’s bullish geopolitical news, Brent stagnated around the $81/bbl mark today before sliding to around $79.60/bbl by 18:00 BST in a sell-off after market close. “They’re keeping the

The Officials: The Tale of Two Cities continues

27 August 2024: 09:30 BST Flat price Dubai underperforms while Brent gets a boost. There are many reasons why: sources reconfirmedthat Libya shut off its crude production. 1mb/d of light sweet crude off the market plus the gold Power Powelldusted

The Officials: Dubai’s bumpy road

26 August 2024: 09:30 BST Vitol and Gunvor had a tougher window today, “Trafigura sells to” was the theme. But the flat price soaredregardless, but the real action was in Brent. Any price seemed right to sell to, and Trafigura

The Officials: Dubai Here We Come

23 August 2024: 09:30 BST Dynamic duo Vitol and Gunvor’s avid purchasing is having a discernible impact on the physical premiumswhich have now risen to $1.12/bbl, the highest level of the month. The aggressive bidding has boostedphysical premiums by 25cts

The Officials: Another whack on the Dated Brent Piñata?

In ‘The Officials’, Onyx Capital Advisory publishes outright values, spreads, cracks and boxes for the main energy commodities traded in the marketplace. The published values are determined independently and on a fair market basis by our team of dedicated professionals.

The Officials: West falls, East holds up

In ‘The Officials’, Onyx Capital Advisory publishes outright values, spreads, cracks and boxes for the main energy commodities traded in the marketplace. The published values are determined independently and on a fair market basis by our team of dedicated professionals.

The Officials: Peaceful weekend, all longs killed

In ‘The Officials’, Onyx Capital Advisory publishes outright values, spreads, cracks and boxes for the main energy commodities traded in the marketplace. The published values are determined independently and on a fair market basis by our team of dedicated professionals.

The Officials: East and West Structure Diverge

In ‘The Officials’, Onyx Capital Advisory publishes outright values, spreads, cracks and boxes for the main energy commodities traded in the marketplace. The published values are determined independently and on a fair market basis by our team of dedicated professionals.

The Officials: Capitano Americano drags Kennie from the depths

In ‘The Officials’, Onyx Capital Advisory publishes outright values, spreads, cracks and boxes for the main energy commodities traded in the marketplace. The published values are determined independently and on a fair market basis by our team of dedicated professionals.

The Officials: Forget the East at your own risk

In ‘The Officials’, Onyx Capital Advisory publishes outright values, spreads, cracks and boxes for the main energy commodities traded in the marketplace. The published values are determined independently and on a fair market basis by our team of dedicated professionals.

The Officials: What goes up must come down, says wise ops guy

In ‘The Officials’, Onyx Capital Advisory publishes outright values, spreads, cracks and boxes for the main energy commodities traded in the marketplace. The published values are determined independently and on a fair market basis by our team of dedicated professionals.

The Officials: Is the downward correction ready to resume?

In ‘The Officials’, Onyx Capital Advisory publishes outright values, spreads, cracks and boxes for the main energy commodities traded in the marketplace. The published values are determined independently and on a fair market basis by our team of dedicated professionals.