Dated v Brent

The spread between Crude Oil benchmarks for physical cargo loading windows (Dated Brent) and the most liquid benchmark (Brent).

The chart displays Onyx Daily Settlements. For live prices visit Flux.

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Newsflash: CFDs are like soo last week

Crude: CFDs are riding the long wave, but how high are we expecting this tide to go?
Fuel – Dec 0.5 Barge Crack: strutting its stuff, but brace yourself for a price reversal – it’s the rollercoaster you never asked for!
Distillates – To quote Ned Stark, winter is coming (for Japan) – giving Regrade a bit of an upgrade

Edge Updates

Dated Brent Report – A (North) Sea of Bears

The water has been anything but calm here in the North Sea, with the Dated Brent complex surging up into October amid a more robust futures complex and supported physical differential.

Dated Brent Report – It’s choppy in the North Sea!

The North Sea is choppy as we enter October, and choppiness dominated the Dated Brent market this fortnight, with few signs of this ending. In the last report, the physical diff was strong above a dollar, with a Chinese bull play holding strength and bidding was seen in a few grades. 20 Sep seemed a turning point for the market with BP offering Brent, although PI lifted this. The following week (23-27 Sep) saw strong selling from the US, with Exxon offering Forties and ConocoPhillips offering Ekofisk, with Ekofisk key to setting the curve currently. This US offering helped the phys diff be implied at less than a dollar on 25 Sep and, combined with futures selling, Dated took a dive. In October, following a fairly weak expiry, there is decent strength held in the Dated complex, as PI flipped to selling the diff fell to 65c, where it has been implied steadily. The past few windows have been pretty quiet. PI has stopped its buying and US selling is quieter. The waters are choppy and not so busy.

Dated Brent Report – Any Last Sellers?

September has been a month of many firsts in Brent futures: for one, the benchmark crude futures contract collapsed below $70/bbl on 10 Sep for the first time in three years. Soon after this feat, ICE COT data for the week ending 10 Sep reported that players were net short the Brent futures complex for the first time on record. Despite this weakness, Dated Brent and Dated differentials were shielded from the bears, with the physical differential briefly dropping to just above $0.99/bbl on 09 Sep to then rising to $1.275/bbl on 16 Sep. This relative support emerged due to strong buy-side forces present in the market. On 06 Sep, we saw Chevron offering WTI Midland across the curve, only for Totsa to lift the offer. Afterwards, we saw Gunvor and Petroineos buying Ekofisk and Midland cargoes, respectively, with BP and Glencore on the sell side.

Dated Brent Report – EFP-redicting a sell off?

The chasm between the reality of demand sentiment and the crude oil futures markets, by extension, and the continued relentless buying in the North Sea physical seems to have been driven even wider this fortnight. Oct’24 EFP continues to price relatively weakly on partials, pointing to a squeeze in the physical rather than genuine demand. Fundamentally, margins continue to struggle with product weakness, although the lower flat price lent a touch of support.

Dated Brent Report – Totsa, It’s Hammer Time

All hell broke loose this week as the Bears came in with a bang. The Dated Brent market was not immune to the chaos that ran amok global financial markets at large. The poor US jobs reading was the tinderbox that catalysed the worldwide sell-off, and a bloodbath ensued. For our readers outside of Japan, it is one less bowl of ramen or can of Strong Zero on your upcoming trip to the land of the rising sun as investors unwound their carry trades, prompting a mass exodus from the Nikkei.

Dated Brent Report – When The Music Stops

What goes up, must come down, and it really feels like we have reached an inflection point in Dated Brent, or inflexion point as the Americans spell it. As usual, it is all eyes on America, and what the changing political tides will mean for the oil market, geopolitics, and the financial markets at large. But that is a discussion reserved for Q4. The Dated Brent market is all about the here and now, and that is what we will focus on.

Dated Brent Report – 2 Bull 2 Play

On 17 June, the world went to sleep with the physical differential still in sub-zero territory at -30c/bbl and woke to a whole new regime with the physical diff bid above 1c/bbl.

Dated Diminuendo: Dated Brent Report

‘Strong Brent expiry to give bulls false hope’ or so the meme goes. Immediately following expiry, the North Sea market saw a dramatic capitulation as the physical turned offered.

Dated Brent Report: Natty or Juice?

The buyside players in previous physical windows were notably absent in the cash on expiry day, showing that the bullish sentiment was just not it.

Up-Dated: Supplementary Report

After a prolonged period of weakness following the first week of April, Dated structure staged a recovery from April 18 after finding the floor.


With maintenance barrels being priced, the North Sea crude market saw an incredibly bearish week in the prompt as physical differentials surged below $0/bbl into the end of last week…

Post-Expiry Clarity 

The resurgence of strength following a blip during expiry has allowed for the Dated market to enter February with strong buying in the face of a risk/reward skew previously thought bearish. 

A Song of Ice and Oil

Over the past two weeks, the narrative of the light sweet crude market has been predominantly shaped by supply-demand mechanics, culminating in a substantial rise in market activity.

Cold Snap…

It has been an astounding couple of weeks in the oil market with no shortage of drama, and the stage is set for a volatile conclusion to November. Just like the cold snap in Europe, Brent crude flat price and

Gearing Up For Volatility

OPEC has once again seized the spotlight with their latest proclamation on November 13. In a bold assertion, they’re pinning the recent crude oil price rollercoaster squarely on the shoulders of speculators. These market maestros, according to OPEC, have been playing up the doom and gloom. 

Cocaine [Brent and WTI] Bear

Declining oil prices saw both Brent and WTI decrease for the third consecutive week, dragging both prompt futures price actions below $80/bbl to 3-month lows of $79.54/bbl and $75.33/bbl on Nov 8 for Brent and WTI, respectively. The bearish addiction

Pulp Futures

The market is in flux, with Brent and RBOB channeling their inner Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace. Brent has got its bearish groove on, while RBOB’s cautiously strutting a bullish outlook, likely fueled by some refinery drama.